Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Short History of Fire

Fire - part 1. (protozoa)
Kinda hot in here, I'd say exceedingly hot, gotta move away from it, no I'm not fast enough, it gets hotter... END

Fire - part 2. (insecta)
Kinda hot in here, like the sun on wrong place, DANGER, run for it, JUMP, hellishly hot in the air, it stays hot in the ground... END

Fire - part 3.(amphibian)
Something glows thatway, the sun? - no, the moon? - no, possible FIRE, getting hotter, DANGER, run for it, JUMP, on the ground, the waterspot (maybe end of FIRE?), hole, getting hotter, DANGER, dig in, still getting hotter, dive, water getting hotter, try to adapt, no it boils... END

Fire - part 4.(archaic reptilian)
I see a wrong glow, smell a smoke, THE FIRE, waterHOLE (maybe the end of THE FIRE?), getting hotter, dig in, getting hotter, dig deeper, still getting hotter, breath in, open channel to WATER, water getting hotter, try to adapt, not any hotter, ENOUGH COVER, wait, wait, wait, DRINK, get outside, there's NOTHING to EAT... END

Fire - part 5.(reptilian-mammalian)
EAT in reserve for EMERGERCY (PANIC), wrong glow = FIRE, RUN for it - upwind and around, no does not succeed - GOT CAUGHT!, to waterhole, dive, keep skin wet, try to adapt - no can do, shut down systems, GET BURNED, try to fix (subsection SCAR), still alive?, DRINK, find food (subsect:if food burned?-it is still food), EAT (PANIC offline), get away, get better. if death - END else NORMAL behaviour.

Fire - part 6 (predator opportunism).
(clause: burned food = food), if alive after FIRE, try everything recognisable, if healthy and not particularly hungry - still try to eat anything recognisable.

Fire - part 7 (Hominidae)
fire, not particularly important (note, tasty insects, but has to know which)

Fire - part 9 (Hominini)
fire, important, select PERMANENT location so effects minimal, and BENEFITs possible, maybe be possible to RUN to the burned side THROUGH fire.

Fire - part 10 (Homo)
Fire, necessary, the vegetables and animals GROW BETTER in the NEXT YEAR (likely is fact), possible to apply with CAUTION, if GROUP allowes, important subsection, FIRE NOT WITH CAUTION, possible DANGER, may END by BEATING WITH BRANCHES!

Fire - part 11 (Homo erectus)
Fire, locally VERY important, IMPORTANT, see: PREPARING food. see also: SHELTER, warmth. see also: GUARDING (subsections predators, fire), see also: how FIRE can be carried (technical), curious initation customs (hunting with fire), (note, this data is too scattered)

Fire - part 12 (Homo neandertalensis)
FIRE, VITAL (Appended also to CATEGORY:CULTURE, previously only in NATURE), source of warmth, de-icing stored food, useful against predators, as well as catching prey, roasted meat and vegetables do not rot as fast as unroasted (very likely = fact).

Fire - part 13 (religion)
FIRE is GOOD, NO EVIL spirits in food by FIRE, FIRE is BAD, NO SHELTER in bad weather. (separation of man and nature, concept of CONTROLLED FIRE)

Fire - part 14 (Homo sapiens)
FIRE, essential CULTURAL concept, if a controllable element, if not, see WILDFIRE. Used in many processes, baking, cooking, hunting, land management, heating, even building, pottery, in colder climates, ESSENTIAL to know the nearest FIRE. see: how to start a fire (technical)

Fire - part 15 (war)
CONTROLLED FIRE can be turned in UNCONTROLLED (subcategory in NATURAL) FIRE by PURPOSEFUL action of GROUP against GROUP(ENEMY), to deprive them (HARD to obtain) belongings.

Fire - part 16 (slash and burn)
Non-food Vegetation + Fire -> space for food-Vegetation, see AGRICULTURE (how to start)

Fire - part 17 (slash and char)
Use of Fire in AGRICULTURE - disadvantages (CROPS need SOMETHING (see:religion) destroyed by Fire = likely fact) - put fire out as soon as possible. (Ash bad for breath = likely fact) See:Plowing, Irrigation, Religion (what Earth needs)

Fire - part 18 (metal working)
(fire hotter when blown into = old fact), see:MINERALs (technical), furnace = really hot fire, some minerals become liquid when put in furnace (contemporary fact), alter properties, liquid mineral = metal, metal maybe cast or hit into shapes, see: advantages of hot metals over stone or wood (technical), see also: making clay-items (subsection mold (experimental)), when metals cooled, some very durable, see: PROFESSION (Smith) and subsection equipment

Fire - part 19 (glass)
see-through clumbs of one type of liquefied and cooled mineral (see jewellery (fragile) for details) may be collected and cast into shapes as in Smithery, very fragile (as might be expected since can be seen through), benefit - see-through window in cold or bad weather. Profession: Glass-maker, see also blow-casting (technical),

Fire - part 20 (alchemy)
some minerals do not make metal = fact, what do they do? see:Earth-mysticism (religious fringe), tolerable since the effects of some may have some future use (see medicine (experimental), acid (technical), base (technical), poison (experimental). mystic profession:alchemist, maybe dangerous), for further info consult the professers, (see also:Philosopher's stone (legend))

Fire - part 21 (steam engine)
Fire needs air (both WILDfire and Fire) = fact, air moves = wind, see:WINDMILL, Fire creates wind - windmill creates POWER - power can be turned into work, see:ENGINEERING, benefit - if a MACHINE can be thought of, that can do something repeatedly (as is the unpleasant fact in many PROFESSIONS), there is no need for a human to do it.

Fire - part 22 (petrol engine)
Some minerals EXPLODE (create fast wind) when heated in air = fact, if a machine can be construed that has a constant supply of aforementioned mineral and air, this produces constant wind that can be applied to do work.

Fire - part 23 (the sun)
The Sun-God (The Fire in The Sky) is not made of coal (1800s). COMPARE: atomic fire (cultural concept) with nuclear power (physics), how is this 'fire' different from Fire(chemistry)?

Fire - part 24 (Biochemistry)
All air-breathing animals need oxidable food to live, every oxygen-using cell has a tiniest fire within = fact.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I'm thinking of adding references (mostly to wikipedia, since I'm no expert in all areas concerning these stories, who would be?) to the stories so the occasional reader could evaluate the stories from a more tedious point of wiew. Is there any point to that? Moreover, since these are stories, I've deliberately inserted some of them some clues as to why they are likely not true in some sense. After some checking the presumptions that are included into the stories, I've actually found out that most of them are not true on some aspects. As many of them rely on some speculative, outside the mainstream, science, prehistory and such to begin with, this is hardly surprising. However this might spoil some fun, and is a laborious job for me, linking, reading and writing parts of about 5-15 wikipedia articles per story, so the explanations would be way longer than the stories themselves. On the other hand, I could leave them as they are and start another blog "debunking erimaassa". On the third hand ;-), I could leave them as they are. Comments? this image totally off place: