
Friday, June 5, 2020

Periodic Clock

Circular design for organizing the elements. It's a pity we don't have a 16-hour clock, I could have constructed this much neater then. And why abandon the fine Bohr-model all together? Some elements are not of this world, thus they're purplish-violet (and radioactively decay to some other colors)

Chemistry info: 
1s = night vs. day 
2,3,4,5,6,7s and p by groups = 2*3*30min = 2*hour and a half/day , groups IV and 0 have been set to mark the midnight and noon time. 
the 40 d-block elements each take = 2,25min = 2min 15s to pass 
the f-block goes to the seconds = 1 element every 4,82 secs 

 This system works well with the human usage of words. "Gimme just a second" usually means at least 4 seconds. "This'll take only a moment" would be 2 1/4 minutes. "It'll be ready within an hour" customarily means an hour and a half, doesn't it? Other plus sides, I don't know. At least it summarily works until element 119 is found. 

Possibly continuing this project with some hard data additions at some point. And it's somewhat ugly now, but it was hard enough to draw a regular 40-hedron. Sp orbitals are organised spirally so there are two regular hours and a radioactive hour after these. ;-) , there's no other justification to set them up like this that I'd consider helpful. The other way to count the hours would require 40 minutes in half an hour, so the lanthanide/actinide seconds would be near the current second.  

Made a copy with abbreviations on a huge font size. Likely too large and they make the organization of the circlets less clear. :-/.
Blogspot has become harder to use. See it here, finally got it in.

Another maybe more logical arrangement:

This divides a day to eight segments of 3 three hours each.

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