
Friday, December 11, 2015

Some totally-not-random photos

The last one is a bit modified.


  1. The pictures are taken on locations of the map in the previous entry.
    1. The east road in Shire would be beside the forest.
    2. The Old Forest has been logged somewhat
    3. The Village of Bree
    4. Weathertop
    5. The Last Bridge
    6. Rivendell
    7. The memorial cross of Celebrimbor
    8. Caras Galadhon
    9. Anduin near the field of Celebrant
    10. Part of Rohan
    11. The new shrine in Henneth Annun
    12. Last white tower of Minas Tirith
    13. The ferry of Osgiliath
    14. Field near Hobbiton.

  2. RL (real life) descriptions of the locations are as follows
    1. Tuulissuo/Avanti is a pretty new industry area surrounded by old agricultural land.
    2. Just a small frorest between 1. and 3.
    3. Nenämäki residential area looks more steep looking from the other side
    4. Old hill fort of Lieto.
    5. Bridge over river Aura on Bike/Walk/Horse path to Haga
    6. Metsämäki horse racecourse main building
    7. The memorial cross of an old church site
    8. Rental apartment area in Halinen
    9. Canoe landing site on the lowest river Aura.
    10. Sports park Kupittaa
    11. Chruch of St.Michael
    12. Church of St.Martins
    13. The Föri-ferry cross river Aura.
    14. Just a field in Tuulissuo


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