
Friday, December 11, 2015

Some totally-not-random photos

The last one is a bit modified.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Mystery Map of Mysterious Origins

Aand welcome back to this convention's scientific portion. Now that we've established the timeline for the Fifth Age, we may begin to examine one of the more mysterious items found among Tolkien's belongings. The following speaker is of the 'Hobbits are the Best'-sect, so he may have some astonishing stories for us.

Hrmm... thank you for your rather biased introduction. As you, and most of you here present, know, we do not call ourselves by that name. Most of you have been brought up in an environment where it's virtually impossible to not know our views on recent history, which are almost the same as you have. In fact, we differ mainly on the interpretation of the 'Book of Westmarch' which you consider to be an authentic account of things long gone. I'll admit it's a real thing, and very old, but to believe it's been unchanging for over 5000 years? Well, there aren't too many miracles or works of Eru, Valar or Maiar recently, as you call them, so we might as well assume so. This is a scientific presentation so let's leave the strict adherence to various scripts of Old and look only at the evidence of the modern times.

First, I'll need to thank the people at the Tolkien Society of Drann, preserving the inheritance of the translator, of the opportunity, to look and study some of the less holy objects he left us. This presentation would not have been possible without their assistance.

As you know, JRR Tolkien, whom you call the Redeemer of Faith, left a huge repository of writings, drawings, maps, linguistic studies of the languages long gone and explanations of the true and proper religious practices here on Middle Earth for us to wonder and examine. Less certain is the knowledge about the figurines, miniature sceneries and buildings, records of entish speech, and even a couple of re-enactments of the mighty battle scenes of Third Age filmed on black and white 8 mm and replicas of Anduril and Glamdring he made during his time in New Zealand. We are told the replicas of these are faithful reproductions of the originals. I'm not here to question these, but rather trying to explain why a certain item of his might be more important than we have assumed.

This presentation assumes the view of, what the the introducer ironically called the  'Hobbits are the Best'-church about Tolkien being a spirited writer and a scholar speaking of Eru through his writings. The themes presented in his legacy are much the same we consider to be relevant to the communion of faiths. The sheer amount of work he did to promote the knowledge of Eru in this world of heathenism could be considered a miracle in itself. There are, however, items that seemingly do not connect to the Great Story of the Middle Earth. I was presented to these, and allowed to further examine some of these, and among these there was a city map made in modern style, with no info of where it was from. It though had some inscriptions in a curious style of Quenya, it looked like.

Me, somewhat versed in Old English, Norse, and Gothic pretty soon noticed these tongues Tolkien normally used in his more esoteric notes regarding the Ages of the Trees couldn't be applied here. Parts of the markings on the map were written in almost unintelligible Sarati. This was though an indication that the map was from the period when Tolkien started working on elven languages, gnomish, sindarin and quenya, that is 1926-1928.

The fact that the map was not in Adunaic, as the highly respected scholar Ar-Thurdenthil (pseudonym meaning the 22 halo of the moon) told me, directed my attention to Uralic languages, the largest of which are Hungarian and Finnish. An often repeated claim is, Tolkien based elven tongues on these agglutinating languages, but in reality many features of the elvish languages are similar to continental Celtic languages of Roman times, possibly the best comparisons to date are to Lepontic and Rhaetian languages.  This would be a natural progression from the speeches used during Aragorns' time. And this fits neatly to the translation style of Tolkien using ever older languages to ever older cultures in the book. Additionally, Tolkien never visited these countries, so why would there be a map of a Finnish or Hungarian city in the middle earth corpus?

But the languages presented in the map, turned out to be de-vowelized Finnish or some of the early forms of sindarin. At the time of the making the map, this must have been 1927 or 1928, Tolkien almost never used tehtas and was frequently experimenting with various ways of interpreting the Book of Westmarch, along with the writing system and constructing maps according to the badly damaged original and the text. It's remarkable how the names on the map are already at this time almost in the correct positions. He must have used a system of rectangular coordinates  present in some early copies of the Book. The only difference here is that the coordinate system is mirrored!

The remarkable fearture of mirroring the directions may have the explanation that long stretches of the book happen during the nights.  Let me explain. According to my theory, Tolkien, in his early days, was not sure of the historicity of the Book! ... ... Please calm down ... ... ... My theory states that in the 1920s and early 30s Tolkien had only photocopies of the book at his disposal, and we all know how bad these can be. If he had the original, it's not likely he would have made the mistake of confusing the Westron 'west' and 'east' and 'day' and 'night'. This would have turned the orientation of the map like it was.

After he got the Original Book in his possession right before WWII, he of course noticed his error and noticed how it clearly depicts European coastlines before the intervention of Eru. No Wegener needed! So my theory claims that in his early days, JRR was not infallible, and attempted to explain the book as a medieval fiction from the city of Turku, southwest Finland, all with elves, dwarfs, pixies as hobbits and Gandalf as Santa Claus. The Middle-Earth humans would be Finns and the Numenoreans Swedes, who had just come to the shores of Finland in 1400s. This part of the theory needs further study, though. I'm hoping I'll get to study the appendixes of the original or at least a good copy later on.

During the process of deciphering this early depiction of the western parts of Middle-Earth I had to learn 3 new languages and travel widely in the former Lamedon territory in northen Italy. The original did not have the markings of the forests, mountains, and most of the rivers, but only the names of the places. I'm here to present the final version of the map in my dissertation to the audience for the first time, this has been approved as 'somewhat speculative' by the White Council of Shirewood. I've added the mountain chains, most of the rivers, and the coastline. Several locations had to be moved from the more accurate locations in the modern maps, notably Erebor is about 50 km east of the true one. Other changes are present also. Copies of this map are available at request in the given url, so students and researchers may observe the remarkable coincidences with Turku and Middle-Earth topography and locations. Finally, I hope the map will be of assistance in deciphering the other early writings of the Redeemer. Thank You.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Chronology (lecture)

Hello, Good morning.

Glad to see you gathered here in so large numbers, in this lecture, I'll attempt to convince some of those who are still in some doubt of the work of J.R.R.Tolkien as the unifying element of our common knowledge of the historic events. Some of the information presented may be somewhat aggravating to some of the listeners, but to you I'll remind you this is just a version of the Grand Story of Middle Earth and Eä, not claiming to be the truth let alone the full truth of the history and our predicament. What we believe is our own belief and this would be one belief among several. Thank you.

As we well know, from the surviving annals of Gondor, the 3rd age ended about 5100 years ago (or, as it is in the current reckoning, 3102 BC) Soon afterwards, the extent of human achievements in the southeastern and far eastern countries became evident in the explorations sent by king Elessar to these far out lands. These are undoubtly one manifestation of the influence of the so called black Numenoreans and also likely the effect the two blue wizards Pallando and Alatar had on these peoples. The dominating theory currently is, that Manwe and other valar observed how the Faithful wanted to live by themselves in Numenor, and attempted to nudge the wild races towards the proper manners by sending two teachers in the far out lands. There is little doubt the Two were responsible for some internal disturbances and insurgencies in the dominion of the Enemy Sauron. Notably, Peoples of Khand (f.e. in the city of Harappa) and eastern Near-Harad started what later is known as irrigation and they also started using symbols to convey message. Sauron merely tolerated this for their supporting role in supplying the black armies by food. It is not known when the Two left Ennor, but the rise of the agricultural neolithic cultures near the eastern end of the Ennor has been attributed to the influence by the two Blue wizards. This would mean they left Ennor, if they survived Sauron's Purges, about the same time the Queen Mother Arwen II died. They would have sailed to the burnt lands of Americas showing to some local cultures ways to build buildings and exited Arda to Valinor soon after this.

For awhile there was peace and happiness all over Arda. But Eru decided once again, for reasons unknown, to shape the earth. It's possible It wanted to erase the central plains of Mordor for ever, in order to keep the Evil from taking a hold of this area pretty central to human cultures of this time. This caused widespread upheaval everywhere in Arda and led to the formation of the Black Sea, the name of which in the elven tongue is Morgaer. It is also said by some, It wanted to change the humans back to their natural state of innocence. By separating the areas ruled by Gondor from these infant cultures in Khand and Near-Harad, some say, the plan of Iluvatar is more clear to Valar. Thus the Mediterranean Sea was formed by changing the location and extent of areas of Harad. This happened, as far as we know it, c.2150 BC, destroying many old cultures, for example the first near-Harad  culture in Egypt entered the First Intermediate Period. Gilgamesh Epic was written describing widespread flooding and upheaval.

The other changes made by Valar at this time was the removal of mithril and smithed iron, and for horror to some, removal of pipeweed from the middle earth. They were no doubt scared of the feuds between the less civilized peoples and thought Unified Kingdom should not have means to overpower these. The way the knowledge of iron smithing was also removed, speaks to us of the power of Eru. Only few pieces of these remained on earth to be marveled by the dwarves of the skills of Aule.

The sad, some say disasterous, effect of this interference by the Valar on the human cultures was the relocation of the capital of the Unified Kingdom to South of Mediterranean by the king Intef, this can be inferred from the simultaneous downfall in the areas of former Gondor and the rise of the Middle Kingdom in Egypt. After him, the king Mentuhotep ruled over the vast areas of Eastern Harad vassalling also the states further east. Soon after, the kings started to build a high tower over in Khand to show their might. The confusion was large these days. The peoples living this time even relocated the library of Minas Anor, as the removal of iron from the construction materials left the large buildings of old into an unrepearable state. As we know of the Tolkien documents, most of the early history of the world was lost from human knowledge in the burning of the library of Alexandria. This led to an extensive rewriting of history during the Dark Ages.

The defining character of the Fourth Age was the rise of Men, and the disappearance of the other races. Whilst Tolkien claimed to have talked to some hobbits, dwarfs and even elves, no independent records of these meetings are existent. Nevertheless, the Red Book of Westmarch exists, though the fragility of it prevents public presentations. It was given to Mr. Tolkien to study during his trip to southern Germany in the 1930s, as he was an expert on old tongues of Europe and it was in peril to be lost to Nazi ideology of burning books and inventing a glorious history. It appears The Book was kept in secret in a monastery somewhere near Basel, that was still adhered to the worship of the Eru, a rarity in these times of several sects.

These sects are a product of the interference of several Maia entities over the human cultures during the fourth and the beginning of the fifth ages. All of these were claiming to be 'Servants of Eru', and maybe they were. Nevertheless, the inability of the humans to understand the Plan of Eru led to the development of several sects, such as the followers of Zoroaster, 'the lord of the dwarfs'. The feuds between these sects have even led to the well known disagreement over the start year of the fifth age. As this lecture is kept near the lands the hobbits originated, I'll use the reckoning that begins with the last confirmed meeting of hobbits and men, this happened about the same time one of the Maias mentioned, disappeared from the grave. This year is thus year 1988 of the Fifth Age. The Maia in question revered children saying things like 'you should bé like children' and 'let the children come to me', and as hobbits are like 'only children to your eyes', it is speculated he was sent by Eru Iluvatar to gather hobbits to their version of Aman. It could of course be they still live here somewhere, among our children. But at least the recent searches in Indonesia have not revealed any hobbit holes that would have been recently used. The name one current sect uses of hobbits is of course Homo floresiensis. We should not do this but use the proper name.

This is our current understanding of our predicament, though there are many other explanations as you well know. Some of the sects have in fact been pretty useful as far as the human happiness goes, but we should not forget Saruman's work in combining the human and the orc race. The descendants of these may still be living out there, the orc-like humans Tolkien warns us about. Praise Manwë and Yavanna, but above all is Eru Iluvatar, go in peace.

Thank you for listening, I'll take questions in the comments section afterwards.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Seeking Hobbits with excellent physical fitness

For better effect, this text should be read over two days, the translation from the Old Entish is not too accurate, I'm afraid.

" Hey Treebeard, do you know about the grey-robed guy wandering hereabouts, who keeps posting these notes with writing on them? There's plenty more of these on trees on the north side. He even STAPLED one on me! Is this something we should care about?"
"Ah, Blandelm, looking excellent!.It's been a while since I noticed you! Are you still going on with this fancy of the most tree look-alike competition? The competition final was like...humm...50 years ago and everyone wondered where you were!"
"Oh, good to know, anyway, do you know of this guy? I thought this poster was an excellent final decoration, but after a while, I thought maybe this is a matter that should be told to others too. We can't have people running around with staplers here, now do we?"
"Well...humm...yes... The guy is from the West. He's got my permission for that. This is some ultra-important job the Big Man Himself has given him. He had the credentials and all. He told me there are four more of his kind roaming around the place, I've met one other, this olive-brown dressing guy is pretty ok, he even asked about the girls.
"Ah, I guess that's all well then. At least this one is not using NAILS, brárumm. Anyway, what does it read in there?
"Umm...hmmm... He's seeking Hobbits. I guess that is some modern word of the West, I don't know what it means. Then he lists a whole bunch of qualities for these 'Hobbits' he's seeking. Doesn't look too good for him, though he said to me this wasn't his top priority right now. Hmm..umm..., "Able to sail a rapid", "Not frightened of horses, wolves", "Two Million steps in 10 months" ...well that's a lot. This sounds like these Hobbits, what ever they are, are pretty small. I'd say we have got nothing to worry about them.
"I knew there was something you didn't know! So, should we keep an eye out for these creatures? They sound a bit like noegyth nibin, but I never saw one sail or row a river back in Beleriand. They used rafts or travelled with others, if forced to cross a river, I think.
"Umm... I think not, this is Big Man stuff and I guess we shouldn't interfere with that.... ummm yes, I think I'm going to forget about this... there's plenty of matters of the forest to take care of... hummm... Have you, for example, considered making a complaint about the decision over the look-alike competition? I'd say you have a chance of getting an appeal through since you clearly stated your intention to take part on it! How about that? Let's get to Hazellock's place, yes?

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Aries and Pisces (photo)

Well, almost all of them. The blog's been pretty dead lately, I've had another interests than writing recently. Maybe when and if the winter comes I'll start to use this place for publishing something again. Also could be I'll start a new blog for some of the stories here.